Magic Flute Opera Summer Workshop

Lakeside Opera
Magic Flute Summer Opera Workshop

What: Learn an entire role from Mozart’s opera, The Magic Flute, and perform the opera in concert format with Virtual Orchestra accompaniment. Casting is open for all parts; there will be multiple casts. The workshop will be directed by Dietrich Erbelding. The workshop will introduce an efficient learning method for quickly mastering complete roles. The Magic Flute will be performed in the original German language.

When: Workshop rehearsal sessions are scheduled for Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 2 p.m. in Oakland near Lake Merritt beginning mid-June. Performances are planned for August and September.

Auditions: Starting immediately by appointment only. A Mozart aria is required. An accompanist will be provided, and there is no fee for audition. To arrange an audition, contact Dietrich at

Cost of Magic Flute Workshop $150/singer for the 3-month workshop due at the first rehearsal of the workshop.

Questions: Contact Dietrich at